Monday, August 22, 2011

Maison Playmobil plusieurs variétés à bon marché. Playmobil Maison

Monday, August 15, 2011

Ecrire un commentaire Bon article?

Relecteur Correcteur-Professionnel - Les 5 points corriges

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Préalables du procureur blessures personnelles

Révolution américaine et la guerre d'Indépendance

Saturday, August 13, 2011

La sortie de demain l'ensemble du magasin Industrie Cosmétique de

De ces deux points, la franchise en Chine aura une perspectives de développement très bonne
1, les données: International Franchise Association Président Laurent Cohen grammes prévisions: «En 2010, la franchise compteront pour 30% des ventes au détail en Chine."Le ministère chinois du Commerce a déclaré des ventes au détail en Chine en 2010, le taux de croissance annuel de plus de 11%, pourrait atteindre 10 milliards de yuans.Puis, intégré Cohen et le Ministère de données du Commerce, en 2010, la Chine totale franchise de vente au détail atteindra 3 milliards de yuans, ce qui est une donnée très excitant.

Deux avantages: l'ensemble du magasin a la sortie d'un «taux de succès, la marque, la concurrence," et "boutique est la reproduction simple et rapide" des avantages, il peut obtenir la faveur des investisseurs, et sa sortie à son tour, invité l'ensemble du magasin promotion de la marque, il est propice à la formation des investisseurs, les commerçants et les consommateurs à la marque et le gagnant-gagnant et mutuellement bénéfique des relations entre les trois parties.

Toutefois, l'industrie cosmétique, la production de l'ensemble du magasin a son unique, bien que de vastes zones de brillant avenir, mais dans un petit commerce intra-industrie, il ya encore quelques variables.Si le gouvernement, les entreprises, les investisseurs et les autres aspects peuvent être tacite, dix ans après la naissance de l'industrie cosmétique en Chine peuvent être en mesure de vraiment franchise de marque de classe mondiale.Cet article de la «norme, l'innovation, la vision, la capitale, internationales" l'interprétation des cinq mots-clés.

Cela exige que le gouvernement et les entreprises à faire ensemble.
D'une part, le gouvernement et les entreprises doivent travailler ensemble pour perfectionner les lois et règlements pertinents.Bien que la franchise celui-ci, la Chine a fait «règlements de franchise d'affaires», mais si elle peut satisfaire pleinement l'industrie cosmétique n'est pas encore sûr.Par ailleurs, la mise en œuvre spécifique du processus, devraient être prises contre l'industrie des cosmétiques, quel genre de mesures de gestion et de contrôle est incertain.Par conséquent, le gouvernement ne doit pas être négligé dans les caractéristiques du système de franchise des différents sous-secteurs, mais devrait être une des associations industrielles et les entreprises conjointes et à étudier soigneusement et à développer en conformité avec les règles de gestion des normes de l'industrie de franchise, avec un objet défini en vue pour aider l'ensemble du magasin cosmétiques de développement du système de l'industrie de sortie saine.

D'autre part, au sein de l'industrie des cosmétiques, "toute la boutique hors« les entreprises devraient se conformer aux lois délicatesse et règlements pertinents et les règles du marché du jeu, de ne pas intérêts à court terme au détriment des intérêts des investisseurs et des consommateurs, l'auto retenue, et «la sortir tout le magasin du« marché un ciel clair et terre.

Il est également monnaie courante sujets.

Comme limitée par la technologie, des idées de contraintes, l'innovation est davantage un slogan dans un certain nombre d'entreprises qui ne peuvent pas stocker la sortie pour l'ensemble du système, une nouvelle météo réelles, c'est mineur, et ne pas affecter le développement de l'industrie.Pour aggraver les choses, de nombreuses entreprises seront «innovation» pour «comment Huyou investisseurs accro" côté, ce qui «créer» de nombreux «rafraîchissante» et «approche d'investissement« C'est le danger ré el du secteur de la restauration entière et la sortie de loi devrait être sévèrement traités.

L'innovation, elle devrait être à partir de la consommation, la recherche et l'analyse du comportement des consommateurs, comprendre et guider les besoins des consommateurs, de produits, d'idées, l'environnement commercial et de services aux consommateurs dans tous les aspects d'apporter une nouvelle compréhension et la convivialité, l'accès autorisé à nouveau Il s'agit de la valeur de «l'innovation» devraient faire.Efforts de la beauté naturelle dans l'éducation, de 20 degrés d'humeur et de l'expérience dans la culture de consommation de l'innovation, Zuodengnisi dans l'innovation de gestion magasin, sens de l'innovation sont les résultats de soigneusement préparé sous l'entreprise, qui sera sûrement «La sortie tout le magasin" significatif et positif l'impact.

Visio n -
Vision non seulement d'un aperçu de l'industrie.
Sur l'industrie d'une part la recherche dans les prochaines années, voire des décennies de développement, afin de déterminer le système d'octroi de licences, à chaque stade de développement.L'ensemble du système beaucoup de magasins pourquoi le paysage progressivement diminuer après 2035, et a disparu? Réside dans le fait qu'il a profité des tendances du marché, afin d'offrir aux investisseurs un grand nombre de nouvelles opportunités de marché, mais toute la boutique hors siège ou s'adonner à la joie du succès, ou le manque de vision stratégique, mais pas pour les investisseurs de continuer à apporter de nouveaux débouchés, de sorte que le système entier en 2035, puis progressivement se désintégrer.

D'autre part d'étudier l'évolution du développement socio-économique et idéologique, et donc l'identification des évol utions du marché et du consommateur.Parce que le développement de l'industrie, il ya des lois du développement de l'industrie elle-même, mais aussi doit suivre le plus grand environnement, le développement de la loi du grand marché.Spécialités cosmétiques des magasins tels que le développement rapide ces dernières années, avec la Chine le développement économique rapide et l'accélération de l'urbanisation sur l'endroit où vous vous asseyez.

Seuls les détenteurs du droit de «vision» de l'ensemble du magasin le système de sortie afin de vraiment l'économie de marché dans l'avenir de la marée Swordsman.

Capital -
Parce que le «capital» sont plus préoccupés par la marque dispose d'un terminal point de vente, tandis que l'ensemble du système ne stocke que la sortie dans l'opération de capital à un plus grand tremplin vers le succès.

"Capital" règles du jeu est la suivante: au moment approprié pour entrer, sortir au moment opportun, au lieu de la seule norme - la croissance de la richesse d'une grande valeur! Franchise magasins le système de sortie dans lequel toute l'industrie ou avec le modèle plus traditionnel de la commercialisation traditionnelle de développement rapide et stable de propriétés, telles que la croissance de son réseau, il peut y avoir de croissance géométrique.Par ailleurs, son contrôle et les opérations financières de la borne sont très commodes, est la "capitale" extrêmement optimiste quant à une opportunité de marché.

Le processus de sortie de plus en plus ensemble du magasin, sa croissance rapide sont liés au besoin de trouver une plate-forme financière plus stable avec le large, tandis que le "capital" va stocker toute la production de la marque dans un des domaines du développement de toute nouvelle.Par conséquent, la beauté naturelle en Chine plus d'une décennie après le dur labeur a finalement entrés dans la "capitale" des gros bataillons et 20 degrés d'humeur, d'emblée, avec domestiques et internationaux "capitale" de contact est d'amener la marque dans la «capitale» avec le marché international.

International -
Réalisations des marques de franchise de classe mondiale, n'est pas un rêve, mais il peut y avoir une réalité.
D'une part, la Chine, le plus grand marché du monde, à la naissance d'une chaîne de franchise magasin très grand dans lequel toute la production de géants, par exemple, a des milliers de magasins de détail au cours de la production totale du magasin de la marque, dans l'industrie cosmétique l'industrie a également été revu.À Singapour, en Australie, au Royaume-Uni, en Espagne, dans laquelle un pays peut avoir des dizaines ou des centaines de magasins de franchise est un ch iffre très impressionnant, beaucoup moins dans un pays aura des milliers de points de vente franchisés, qui tout simplement parler.Cependant, la Chine a un tel marché, il s'agit de la chaîne de franchise des magasins dans lesquels l'entreprise tout entière un grand privilège pour la sortie.

D'autre part, en s'appuyant sur les solides fondations établies en Chine, à entrer sur le marché international et de chasser le cerf dans le marché mondial, les Chinois rêvent les entreprises de la franchise de la marque de classe mondiale juste autour du coin.

Finalement, notons que l'industrie des cosmétiques, "xénophilie" pensée très sérieuse, et ce sera la sortie de la croissance de la marque du magasin entier d'un danger caché.Parce que "adhérer à l'étranger», un certain nombre de marques sous le prétexte de la «pseudo-étrangère diables" danse des masques sur le marché chinois.Ces entrep rises doivent comprendre que pour créer des locaux boutique de cosmétiques dans toute la production de la marque n'est pas un mouvement imprudent.Array.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Important Facts about Medical Marijuana

Marijuana or cannabis is known to be an illegal drug among almost all countries worldwide. However, there are controversies whether to retract the drug to this classification and make it a prescription drug. This may be because of the health benefits that are associated with marijuana. If proven to be effective in the treatment of chronic and debilitating diseases, then the use of marijuana may be legalized. Though it is lawful in 15 states in the U.S. by state laws, it is still prohibited under federal laws.

Patients who wish to legally use marijuana should be proven to benefit from the use of marijuana by a licensed doctor. In California, state certified and licensed doctors are the only ones who can issue a recommendation. These patients should have a medical marijuana registry card issued by their state health department. They should also abide to the laws as specified by their state especially about the maximum amount of marijuana a qualified patient should possess.

Without a doubt, marijuana is a promising drug in the field of health sciences. This is why researches devote so much time and money to confirm the beneficial effects of marijuana. Today, fifteen states in the U.S. as well as nine countries worldwide have legalized the use of marijuana solely for therapeutic purposes. Several pot stores or dispensaries have opened as well. This industry is growing in a logarithmic way. San Francisco dispensaries as well as in other places should have the necessary documents for it to be legal. It is a common thinking that opening medical marijuana dispensary is messy and may face many legal liabilities, which is true because cannabis is still considered legal. Qualified patients as well as dispensaries should be familiar with these laws. In addition, you can find guides to opening San Francisco dispensaries online.


The day I discovered my husband was cheating on me is forever etched in my mind. I will never forget my bewilderment, shock, confusion and my uncertainty about what to do next. I was totally devastated.
How I Found Out
As a freelance journalist and editor, I work from my home office. I accidentally stumbled onto Frank€s infidelity while doing interviews for an article assignment for a women€s magazine. To insure the accuracy of my notes, I always tape my interviews using a recording device attached to my office phone. While transcribing the interview tapes, I was shocked to find that I€d unknowingly recorded a number of incriminating phone calls made by Frank from our bedroom extension. Interspersed between the interviews, were revealing conversations he€d had with or about the women with whom he was involved.
A Perfect Marriage
That Frank might be cheating on me was the farthest thing from my mind, even though his behavior had been a little unusual the past few months. When infidelity did cross my mind, it was just a fleeting thought -- one I dismissed as quickly as it occurred. It was so far-fetched that I didn€t even give it serious consideration. Frank and I had an exceptionally good marriage (or so I thought). People who knew us -- even strangers, (male and female) often commented on what a perfect couple we were. I wrote relationship articles which appeared regularly in women€s magazines and earned me frequent guest spots on Good Day New York and several nationally syndicated radio talk shows. Our marriage (my second and Frank€s third) was the envy of all our friends. Still, I was at a loss to explain some of the odd little things Frank had recently said and done. Nothing major -- just small insignificant things that were out of character for him and didn€t seem to make any sense. I chalked it up to male menopause (Frank was nearing 50) or stress from the heavy overtime he€d been working. Little did I know that t hese seemingly inconsequential things would turnout to be telltale signs.
Right Under My Very Nose
From the conversations on the tapes, I discovered that Frank had not one, but three lovers. I was dumb-founded to hear him boasting to a friend about his weekend morning quickies with Alexis, his early departures from work for afternoon trysts with Michelle, Marlene€s weekend stay at our apartment while I was away on a business trip and more. Even more astounding, was that all these things had taken place right under my very nose. In light of my discovery, I now saw Frank€s behavior through different eyes. And I became keenly aware of how many telltale signs I€d missed. Many of the odd things Frank said and did suddenly began to make sense.
Wendy€s Story- Another Infidelity Victim
On one tape, Frank mentioned a birthday he€d recently attended which was given by his best friend Max. No other details were supplied except that the party was for Max€s girlfr iend. Since Max€s wife, Wendy was a friend of mine, I told her what I heard. Working one single piece of information, Wendy conducted what I consider to be a masterpiece of detective work. In less than 2 weeks, she managed to find out the name of Max€s girlfriend, her phone number and address, where she worked, the address and phone number of her job, and was able to pinpoint approximately how long the affair had been going on. Wendy also found out exactly where and when the birthday party had taken place, how much it cost, the names of several guests who attended, and verified that that Max was indeed the person who arranged and paid for the event. She even confiscated a gift for Max€s lover that he€d hidden in the trunk of his car. Since Wendy and Max co-owned a business, she immediately took steps to protect herself financially by transferring the bulk of their joint funds to a separate account -- much to the surprise (and embarrassment) of Max when he attempted to withdr aw funds without her knowledge. Their marriage survived -- largely because instead of sitting back and being a passive victim, Wendy immediately searched for confirming telltale signs. She found them early enough to take positive action and get her marriage back on track.
If Only I€d Recognized the Signs
Discovering that Frank was cheating was truly devastating. Being a naturally trusting person, I was oblivious to most of the telltale signs, despite the fact that they were staring me in the face. I later learned that many telltale signs begin to crop up when a man first starts think seriously about infidelity. For months I agonized over how things might have turned out differently if I€d recognized the signs when they first began to appear. It€s possible that I might have been able to save our marriage if I€d known the significance of those signs. If not, I could have at least saved myself a lot of heartaches and pain by preparing myself mentally and emotionally , and protecting myself legally and financially from a marriage that ultimately ended in divorce. Yet, my marriage was not unique in this respect. It was one of the millions of marriages impacted by extramarital affairs.


The day I discovered my husband was cheating on me is forever etched in my mind. I will never forget my bewilderment, shock, confusion and my uncertainty about what to do next. I was totally devastated.
How I Found Out
As a freelance journalist and editor, I work from my home office. I accidentally stumbled onto Frank€s infidelity while doing interviews for an article assignment for a women€s magazine. To insure the accuracy of my notes, I always tape my interviews using a recording device attached to my office phone. While transcribing the interview tapes, I was shocked to find that I€d unknowingly recorded a number of incriminating phone calls made by Frank from our bedroom extension. Interspersed between the interviews, were revealing conversations he€d had with or about the women with whom he was involved.
A Perfect Marriage
That Frank might be cheating on me was the farthest thing from my mind, even though his behavior had been a little unusual the past few months. When infidelity did cross my mind, it was just a fleeting thought -- one I dismissed as quickly as it occurred. It was so far-fetched that I didn€t even give it serious consideration. Frank and I had an exceptionally good marriage (or so I thought). People who knew us -- even strangers, (male and female) often commented on what a perfect couple we were. I wrote relationship articles which appeared regularly in women€s magazines and earned me frequent guest spots on Good Day New York and several nationally syndicated radio talk shows. Our marriage (my second and Frank€s third) was the envy of all our friends. Still, I was at a loss to explain some of the odd little things Frank had recently said and done. Nothing major -- just small insignificant things that were out of character for him and didn€t seem to make any sense. I chalked it up to male menopause (Frank was nearing 50) or stress from the heavy overtime he€d been working. Little did I know that t hese seemingly inconsequential things would turnout to be telltale signs.
Right Under My Very Nose
From the conversations on the tapes, I discovered that Frank had not one, but three lovers. I was dumb-founded to hear him boasting to a friend about his weekend morning quickies with Alexis, his early departures from work for afternoon trysts with Michelle, Marlene€s weekend stay at our apartment while I was away on a business trip and more. Even more astounding, was that all these things had taken place right under my very nose. In light of my discovery, I now saw Frank€s behavior through different eyes. And I became keenly aware of how many telltale signs I€d missed. Many of the odd things Frank said and did suddenly began to make sense.
Wendy€s Story- Another Infidelity Victim
On one tape, Frank mentioned a birthday he€d recently attended which was given by his best friend Max. No other details were supplied except that the party was for Max€s girlfr iend. Since Max€s wife, Wendy was a friend of mine, I told her what I heard. Working one single piece of information, Wendy conducted what I consider to be a masterpiece of detective work. In less than 2 weeks, she managed to find out the name of Max€s girlfriend, her phone number and address, where she worked, the address and phone number of her job, and was able to pinpoint approximately how long the affair had been going on. Wendy also found out exactly where and when the birthday party had taken place, how much it cost, the names of several guests who attended, and verified that that Max was indeed the person who arranged and paid for the event. She even confiscated a gift for Max€s lover that he€d hidden in the trunk of his car. Since Wendy and Max co-owned a business, she immediately took steps to protect herself financially by transferring the bulk of their joint funds to a separate account -- much to the surprise (and embarrassment) of Max when he attempted to withdr aw funds without her knowledge. Their marriage survived -- largely because instead of sitting back and being a passive victim, Wendy immediately searched for confirming telltale signs. She found them early enough to take positive action and get her marriage back on track.
If Only I€d Recognized the Signs
Discovering that Frank was cheating was truly devastating. Being a naturally trusting person, I was oblivious to most of the telltale signs, despite the fact that they were staring me in the face. I later learned that many telltale signs begin to crop up when a man first starts think seriously about infidelity. For months I agonized over how things might have turned out differently if I€d recognized the signs when they first began to appear. It€s possible that I might have been able to save our marriage if I€d known the significance of those signs. If not, I could have at least saved myself a lot of heartaches and pain by preparing myself mentally and emotionally , and protecting myself legally and financially from a marriage that ultimately ended in divorce. Yet, my marriage was not unique in this respect. It was one of the millions of marriages impacted by extramarital affairs.
9 Years of Research and a Promise
At the time there were less than 5 books available on the subject of infidelity. Desperate for information, I endured the embarrassment of purchasing them at my local bookstore. As I struggled to make sense of what was happening, I began earnestly researching the topic of infidelity so I could find out how to handle the situation. My research led to my writing a series of infidelity articles based on information gleaned from leading marriage and family therapists. Although I gained a wealth of knowledge about and coping with infidelity and recognizing the telltale signs, for me, this knowledge came too late. Frank and I eventually got a divorce. But I promised myself that when I recovered from the trauma of that experience, I would share this information with other women in similar situations.
The Infidelity Statistics are Shocking
It was shocking read the statistics citing how widespread infidelity is. Though they vary from study to study, the most widely accepted figures indicate that between 50 and 70 percent of married men (between 38 and 53 million men) have cheated or will cheat on their wives. One study found that 2/3 of the wives (26 to 36 million women) whose husbands were cheating had no idea their husbands were having an affair -- largely because they failed to recognize the telltale signs. Yet the media continues to treat infidelity as a form of entertainment. Movies, novels, soap operas, talk shows, gossip columns and women€s magazines continue to dramatize, trivialize and glamorize extramarital affairs. Few people other than its victims take it seriously.
An Infidelity Book is Born Gathering More Facts
Is He Cheating on You? 829 Telltale Signs i s the first of a series of information products for women who are victims of infidelity. It€s based on not just my personal experience, but on 9 years of in-depth research on the topic of infidelity. I€ve read thousands of accounts of infidelity, interviewed hundreds of women about their personal experiences and the experiences of women they know, and dozens of cheating men. I€ve read hundreds of articles, studies and transcripts on infidelity and spent countless hours surfing the Net checking out websites, chat rooms, forums, message boards and discussion lists that deal with infidelity and related issues. Is He Cheating on You? 829 Telltale Signs is the result of all those efforts. It€s the book I wish I€d had when those first telltale signs began to crop up in my marriage. If I€d recognized those signs early on, things might have had a different ending.
A Multitude of Telltale Signs
Is He Cheating on You? is probably the largest collection of telltaIe signs ev er compiled. It documents hundreds of signs of infidelity, including a multitude of little-known telltale signs not listed anywhere else. Despite the subtitle, it actually contains 950 telltale signs. Even after the cover was designed, I continued to add telltale signs until the final version of the manuscript was sent to the printer. And readers continue to e-mail or phone me with telltale signs that were not included in the book. What€s different about Is He Cheating on You? is that it tells women how to spot the warning signs of infidelity without using gadgets, surveillance equipment or private investigators. All of the telltale signs documented in Is He Cheating on You? can easily be found by any woman using only her eyes and ears, her personal knowledge of her husband and the information provided in the book. No special skills or equipment are needed. The signs are conveniently grouped into 21 categories so a woman can easily find the signs that apply to her husband or her marriage. A few of the signs are listed in more than one category so that no one will miss an important telltale sign.
Sharing Information with Other Women
This book, and my website are my way of sharing all the information I gathered about infidelity, with other women in this traumatic situation. It€s unfortunate that any woman would ever need a book like this, but the facts speak for themselves. Millions of acts of infidelity go undetected every day. Unsuspecting women need an easy-to-use, reliable, inexpensive tool to help them find out the truth about what€s going on.
Empowered by Knowledge
Knowledge is power; and I firmly believe every woman should know how to recognize the telltale signs of infidelity. The future of her marriage may well depend on her ability to recognize the telltale signs in time. There€s nothing worse than not knowing-- or being the last to know. But the first step in solving a problem is knowin g that the problem exists. If a woman doesn€t know her husband is cheating, there€s little that she can do. If she€s oblivious to the fact that her marriage may be in jeopardy, by the time she finds out what€s happening, it may be too late. She will have had no chance to try to get her marriage back on track, or to prepare herself emotionally or protect herself from the devastation that lies ahead. Rather than being proactive and making conscious decisions about what to do, she€ll become a helpless infidelity victim, swept along with the tide.
A Fighting Chance to Save the Marriage
On the other hand, if a woman recognizes the telltale signs and understands what€s happening, she stands a fighting chance of being able to nip the infidelity in the bud on her own, or seek professional help. More importantly, she can take steps to prepare herself mentally, financially and legally for the possibility that her marriage may come to an end. At least she won€t be taken by surprise, and end up being the last one to know.
Who This Book Is For
Is He Cheating on You? is not just for wives who suspect their husbands of cheating. It€s also for:
the millions of unsuspecting wives who€ve never even considered that an affair might be going on.
women who€ve been cheated on in the past want to make sure it doesn€t happen again,
women who are trying to reconcile with a cheating husband and want reassurance that the affair is no longer going on
women who think it could NEVER happen to them (no one is immune)
women who know their husbands are cheating and want to get solid proof
women who want to know ahead of time what to look for, in case it ever happens to them
women who in view of the high infidelity statistics want to know where they stand in their current relationship
single women who want to avoid entering into or staying in a relationship with a cheater
Men who suspect their wives of cheating (many of the signs are universal and apply to both sexes),
people with female friends or relatives who are being cheated on and who are in denial
people who don€t know how to tell a woman her husband is cheating give her the book and let her find out for herself
No Marriage is Immune to Infidelity
One of the most surprising things I learned about infidelity is that no marriage is immune. Infidelity knows no boundaries. €Good husbands can cheat. Infidelity can occur even in happy marriages. It can affect couples of any race, creed, color or economic background. Rich or poor, young or old, newlywed or approaching a fiftieth anniversary infidelity can happen to anyone even you. The likelihood is very high that, given the current statistics on infidelity, every woman will experience being a victim of infidelity at some point in her life. So I feel strongly that Is He Cheating on You? is a reference book that belongs on every woman€s bookshelf. T his is important information that no woman should be without. The future of her marriage may one day depend on her ability to recognize the telltale signs in time. Armed with this book and her personal knowledge of her husband, she€ll be able to easily spot the warning signs.
The Purpose of This Book
The purpose of Is He Cheating on You? 829 Telltale Signs is not to make women suspicious of their husbands. The purpose is to make women aware of what€s already going on. Statistics prove that infidelity is happening all around us. Just pick up a newspaper or listen to the nightly news. Infidelity touches 80% of all marriages. It is my sincere hope that this book will open the eyes of the millions of women who are unaware that their husbands are having an affair. It was written to make women aware of the many telltale signs that indicate possible infidelity. Every woman deserves to know the truth. It€s my firm belief that if more women knew how to recognize the signs of infidelity, more marriage could be saved. With Is He Cheating on You? every wife now has an affordably priced tool to keep her from being the last to know.
A Final Word
To any woman who suspects her husband of cheating, I implore you - for your peace of mind, for your physical health (think HIV/AIDS and other STDs), for your mental and emotional well-being, and for the future financial well-being of yourself and your children too -- find out if what you suspect is true. Don€t speculate investigate! Take it from someone who has lived through infidelity find out before it€s too late. Believe me, in this day and age, you can€t afford to be the last one to know.
*Frank, Marlene, Michelle, Alexis, Max and Wendy are not their real names. For legal reasons, the names have been changed to protect the guilty as well as the innocent.
NOTE: Despite my traumatic experience with Frank, the story does have a happy ending. I€ve been happily re-married for 4 year s now, to a wonderful man who also values the sanctity of marriage as highly as I do. (Ironically, he too, was cheated on, with disastrous and traumatic results.)

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Columbus Implant Dentist In Columbus, Worthington, New Albany, Westerville, Franklin County, Columbus Metropolitan, Ohio

Whether you are looking for a complete makeover, a blush makeover, an improvement in your smile, reconstruction of the mouth, anything with regards to dental, the implant dentist in Columbus, Worthington, New Albany, Westerville, Franklin County, Columbus Metropolitan, Ohio is the place meant for you. The clinic offers classic dental care in an accomplished and ace manner. They blend professionalism with care which is very important in dental treatment. If the patients are very young or aged, special and personalized treatment is given. Columbus implant dentist Ohio follows the state of the art methodology to treat the patients and give them a beautiful smile.

Not only in normal occasions, but even in case of emergencies, they take every possible step to treat the person with utmost comfort. They take all the necessary precautions to avoid any kind of infection during treatments. All kinds of treatment are provided like the, cosmetic dentistry, root canals, laser dentistry, TMJ treatment and others. Anything and everything with regards to the dental treatment is available here. For instance, if you want to have sparkling teeth then you can opt for teeth whitening, where treatment will be given to make your teeth white. You can even get your teeth shaped in less than thirty minutes. All the different types of treatments right from simple antidotes to complicated surgeries are performed by exceptionally professional and experienced dentists at affordable and reasonable prices.

Dr. Kevin J. O’Gradyr is a famous Implant Dentist in Westerville, OH. He is a specialist in Implant Dentistry, Dental Implant surgery, Restorative Dentistry, Dental Implants, sleep dentistry, dental sedation, dental health services, teeth whitening and laser dentistry in Columbus, Worthington, New Albany, Westerville, Franklin County, Columbus Metropolitan, Ohio. Get the free special report and CD "Miracle of Dental Implants" Find out more on having the celebrity smile of your dreams - Go here:

Sourciers Et Chercheurs D'eau

sourciers et chercheurs d'eau

Qu'est-ce-qu'un sourciers? Selon le nouveau dictionnaire de la langue franaise de 1841, sourcier est celui qui prtend avoir la facult de dcouvrir les sources.

Dans le dictionnaire encyclopdique Larousse en 2 volumes, sourcier est un homme qui possde le don de dcouvrir les sources souterraines l'aide d'une baguette, d'un pendule.

Selon le robert de poche de 2009:" Personne cense pouvoir dcouvrir les sources (par radiesthsie);

Pour Henri Mager, le sourcier ou sourceur est donc " celui dont le mtier est d'tudier les eaux souterraines, soit pour faire surgir de l'eau au niveau du sol ( par puits artsien ou galeries d'coulement), soit pour mettre au jour un niveau infrieur au sol ( par puits ou autres procds de captages)".

Le livre de Henri Mager, "Les sourciers et leurs procds", est la rfrence sur ce thme. L'exemplaire prsent est la quatrime dition publie en 1930 au dition Dunod. La premire dition fut publie en 1913. En 1911, il crivit dj un livre sur les moyens de dcouvrir les eaux souterraines, intitul " Hydrologie souterraine: moyens de dcouvrir les eaux souterraines et de les utiliser". En 1920, il publia " les baguettes des sourciers et les forces de la nature, puis en 1928 " la mthode radio-physique de Henri Mager", une mthode scientifique pour la recherche, l'tude, l'expertise des eaux souterraines, des gtes miniers et ptrolifres, par dtecteurs accords.

Henri Mager est n Paris le 17 mai 1859 de pre alsacien-lorrain et, aprs des tudes au Lyce de Vanves et au Lyce Henri IV, se prend de passion pour la gographie. Trs tt, il collabore des journaux spcialiss comme l'Exploration ou la Gographie. En mme temps il frquente la Facult de Droit de Paris puis se fait inscrire au barreau o, prcise J. Plissier dans ses Profils Coloniaux, "il n'a paru, d'ailleurs, que pour la formalit de prestation de serment". (4) A ses moments perdus il pose, sans succs, sa candidature au Conseil Municipal de Paris. Ds 1885 - il a alors 26 ans - il compile un Atlas Colonial, soigneusement dress et dessin, o il s'affirme un cartographe de grand talent. L'dition populaire de cet Atlas qui parat en 1887, enrichie de notices coloniales rdiges par de hautes personnalits politiques, tire 58.000 exemplaires, ce qui est considrable pour l'poque. Le gographe se double alors d'un journaliste qui collabore diverses revues coloniales et devient rdacteur en che f de l'Avenir du Tonkin. Il rdige aussi la partie coloniale dans plusieurs journaux politiques ; on le rencontre en 1888 dans les colonnes du National, du Soir, et du Tlgraphe. Il signe des articles dans le Sicle, le Voltaire, et le Monde illustr. Dans le domaine colonialson renom, dj tabli par le succs de l'Atlas, s'accrot avec la publication en 1889 des Cahiers Coloniaux. Cet ouvrage est un compendium des souhaits exprims, sur sa demande, par les corps lus et les reprsentants des diverses colonies franaises. "Je me suis adress nos colonies, nos Possessions", crit Henri Mager dans sa Prface, "et j'ai demand toutes : Comment voulez- vous vivre et vous dvelopper ; quels sont vos besoins, vos aspirations : quels sont vos vux ? Et toutes ces colonies m'ont rpondu". (s>.

La tentative est originale, courageuse mme, car elle risque d'irriter l'administration coloniale en rendant publiques des revendications jusqu'alors exprimes seulement au sein des assembles territoriales, en affirmant de faon si directe les droits des colons franais outre-mer. C'est grce aux Cahiers Coloniaux qu'Henri Mager atteint enfin la notorit publique ; c'est aussi grce la cration, peu aprs l'Exposition Universelle de 1889, de l'Association de la Presse Coloniale qui regroupe les correspondants de France aux journaux des colonies et ainsi coordonne l'information diffuse dans les possessions d'Outre-Mer.

Homme actif et dynamique, Henri Mager se tourne prsent vers la politique. Sous le titre : Les Droits Coloniaux de la France, publi en 1890 chez Ch. Bayle, comme l'Atlas Colonial, il rassemble une srie d'articles sur la politique coloniale dont la vigueur a dj attir sur lui l'attention du Gouvernement. La campagne de presse qu'il a notamment mene en 1888 pour dfendre - dj - l'Ocanie franaise contre les menaces anglaises, a mme conduit le Sous-Secrtaire d'Etat aux Colonies de l'poque, M. de la Porte, une retraite anticipe. C'est que les prises de position d'Henri Mager sont tranchantes ; il n'est pas l'homme des compromis et des atermoiements. Il s'affirme un partisan inconditionnel de l'expansion franaise, dans la grande tradition Ferryiste, et ne mnage pas son nergie pour dmontrer le bien-fond de ses opinions. Les Droits Coloniaux rsument avec vhmence les revendications que la France pourrait lever, dans tous les continents, sur les territoires encore "irredenti". J. Pli s- sier crit :

En matire coloniale Henri Mager est. en effet, avant tout un irrdentiste. Il se flatte de n'avoir pas "d'ide" ; il a tout au moins une "ide fixe" : l'extension indfinie du domaine extrieur de la France. Sur ce point, il est intraitable : le globe ne suffirait pas son apptit... Naturellement, le Gouvernement, sur ce terrain, lui parait d'une tideur lamentable, et son dpit se traduit par une opposition qui porte, un peu la lgre, sur toutes les tentatives faites pour mettre en valeur le lot - assez considrable cependant - qui est chu la France dans le partage du globe. W

Le glissement progressif d'Henri Mager dans le clan des critiques de la politique coloniale franaise va aider mieux comprendre son aventure tahitienne. S'il apparat certains comme un de ces patriotes courageux qui pensent que les Colonies sont une ncessit inluctable pour une grande nation et mritent d'tre mises en valeur, il se pose aussi comme un opposant, trs remuant, trop sr de lui, manquant parfois de discernement, mais habile propagandiste. A l'instar de Lyautey, dont il partage le caractre brillant et tumultueux, il a le sens des formules frappantes et sait manipuler l'opinion.

"Comme orateur, surtout comme orateur politique", lit-on dans Marine & Colonies d'octobre 1893, "M. Henri Mager n'est pas sans talents. Un journal, rendant compte d'une de ses dernires confrences, constatait qu'il avait plus les allures d'un tribun que d'un confrencier : "C'est qu'il dploie, dit V Indpendant de l'Est, une vritable fougue ; il rfute, il adjure, il menace, il accumule les chiffres, les lance la tte de ses adversaires et les en crase..."

D'aprs Lagayette Pierre V.. Contribution l'histoire coloniale de Tahiti l'affaire Henri Mager . In: Journal de la Socit des ocanistes. N74-75, Tome 38, 1982. Hommage au R. P. Patrick O'Reilly. pp. 57-76.

doi : 10.3406/jso.1982.2498
url :

Je vous prsente un second ouvrage, plus rcent que le prcdent, traitant des chercheurs d'eau.

Anne Jaefer-Nosal a publi ce livre " les chercheurs d'eau, sourciers et gobiologues une enqute ethnologique", en 1999 au ditions georg. Elle avait commenc une thse de philosophie lorsqu'elle rencontra les sourciers. Ce fut un changement de cap. Aprs plus de dix ans auprs des sourciers, la thse de philosophie devint une thse d'ethnologie, soutenue l'universit de Strasbourg en janvier 1998 et donna ensuite naissance ce livre. Elle-mme fut initie la pratique sourcire.

Dans le chapitre deuxime de son livre, l'auteur nous parle de l'Histoire, des thories et des pratiques sourcires, ainsi que l'Histoire de la gobiologie. Ensuite, dans les autres parties du livres, elle prsente son tude sur les rituels, les pouvoirs, croyances,leurs pratiques, le problme de reprsentation, les drives possibles... Ce livre est fondamental pour comprendre le monde des sourciers et des chercheurs d'eau.

Philippe BAINIER,

Comment Faire Face À L'argot

A travers les frontires, les mots semblent perdre leurs sens ou, au moins, changent de sens. Et ceci va faire de la place pour les variations fascinantes qu'une personne pouvait passer toute sa vie les apprendre.
La chose la plus importante, lorsqu'il s'agit de faire face l'argot, c'est la diversit des langues vernaculaires non seulement d'un pays un autre, mais aussi d'une communaut une autre.

Par exemple, Les Chicanos parlent trs diffremment de ceux qui vivent du ct mexicain de la frontire, tandis que dans la partie centrale du pays l'argot prend juste un autre sens.Ce n'est pas une blague; pour le prouver, essayez de traduire en anglais une chanson intitule "Chilanga Banda", un morceau de style rap interprt par un groupe de rock mexicain appel "Cafe Tacuba", ou "Baracunata", compos et interprt par "Aterciopelados", un groupe de pop colombien.

Les deux singles reprsentent tout au sujet de l'argot, et jusqu' aujourd'hui, beaucoup de Colombie ns et de Mexicains peuvent passer un bon moment assez difficile dans la comprhension de ces chansons parce que l'argot utilis n'est pratiqu que dans certaines parties du pays.

Heureusement, il existe de bonnes ressources propos de l'argot espagnol.Par exemple, vous pouvez essayer le livre "The Dictionary of Chicano Spanish", qui est peut-tre le meilleur dans son genre quand il s'agit de comprendre l'espagnol des Chicanos.

D'autres outils qui sont toujours recommands pour les traducteurs Anglais-Espagnol sont les dictionnaires en ligne de l'argot espagnol, comme le dictionnaire en ligne, qui inclut des milliers de mots du monde qui parle espagnol.

Enfin mais pas finalement, en cas de doute en tant qu'un Espagnol, un Cubain ou un Pruvien, vous pouvez le faire en visitant des sites web et des forums tel que, o en un rien de temps, vous trouverez toutes les rponses pour tout bien comprendre, mme le langage le plus obscur de l'argot, qui inclue maintenant le jargon cr pour Internet.Tout cela fait partie de l'volution, disent-ils.Et bien vous ne serez pas en mesure y faire face si facilement. Donc, prenez un bon dictionnaire d'argot espagnol et vous serez sur le bon chemin.

Si vous devez traduire du franais vers l'anglais ou le franais l'espagnol, il existe aujourd'hui d'excellents traducteurs en ligne disponibles.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

San Francisco Web Design and Web Development Company

San Francisco area has a number of web design companies offering custom Web Design Services. Most of these San Francisco web design firms, whose number is swelling, claim to deliver a rare blend of imaginative design, grounded in a rich understanding of the customer€s strategic objectives and business requirements with deep technology expertise. While some web design companies do deliver practical, personalized services and solutions, based on client needs and most are mismatched and a visual horror to say the least. Needless to say, the overuse of bright colors and animated graphics by an amateur San Francisco web designer adds to the confusion. with a team of experienced San Francisco Web designers , programmers and consultants is always a trusted name. It offers complete Web services -- including Web application development, custom business software development, database integration, graphic design, site promotion and maintenance. #10 is a creative San Francisco web design company that creates your customized websites, makes the right impression and reaches out to the target audience. The company offers services especially Graphic Designing and Web Development in San Francisco, San Jose and Oakland.

Being in touch with your audience and sending the right message is essential to keeping ahead in a competitive market. With a dedicated design staff work, #10 works closely with its clients, understanding their requirements and needs. They make your website stand apart by imparting it a unique character € adding details like logo, graphical illustration and photographs € with informative content, new ideas and entertainment. From Consumer Products, Services marketing, Manufacturing, Entertainment, Retail or Sports, this San Francisco web design company helps you design a website that will attract your target audience.

#10 always looks for a change. The company doesn€t believe in monotonies. Instead of using the readily available website templates that have already been used a million times, #10 offers customized websites for the definitive needs of its customers. Logo creation, logo placement and the flow of the various pages are all designed as per requirements. The customer is involved in every stage of web designing process. From typography to site structure to navigation; everything is designed to elicit the response you are looking for. The company€s long-term maintenance and innovative solutions from time to time, gives your website an edge over others.
All these elements amount to a focused strategy for your Web site. In an affordable range, #10 creates a Web site for its client that doesn€t merely look pretty but plays a pivotal role for it. We have created a creative niche for ourselves in San Francisco web design arena. In short, #10 offers you a Web site that works. Visit the site and find more about the services offered by the enterprising company.

> San Francisco web design company

X-Ray Systems Market to 2016 - The Digital X-Ray Systems Segment | Market Research Report

New report, "X-Ray Systems Market to 2016 - The Digital X-Ray Systems Segment to be the Growth Driver" provides key data, information and analysis on the global x-ray systems market. The report provides market landscape, competitive landscape and market trends information the x-ray systems market. The report provides comprehensive information on the key trends affecting the market, and key analytical content on the market dynamics. The report also reviews the competitive landscape and technology offerings.

This report is built using data and information sourced from proprietary databases, primary and secondary research and in-house analysis by team of industry experts.


- Key geographies covered include the US, Canada, the UK, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Japan, China, India, Australia, and Brazil.
- Key segments covered include Digital X-Ray Systems (Computed Radiography (CR) Systems, Digital Radiography (DR) Systems) and Analog X-Ray Systems.
- Annualized market revenues data from 2002 to 2009, forecast forward for 7 years to 2016. Company shares data for 2009.
- Qualitative analysis of key market trends, market drivers, and restraints by each category within x-ray systems market.
- The report also covers information on the leading market players, the competitive landscape, and the leading pipeline products and technologies.
- Key players covered include GE Healthcare, Philips Healthcare, Siemens Healthcare, Shimadzu, Carestream, Toshiba Medical Systems, and Hitachi Medical.

Table of Contents :

1 Table of Contents 4
1.1 List of Tables 7
1.2 List of Figures 8
2 Introduction 10
2.1 Guidance 10
3 X-Ray Systems: Market Characterization 11
3.1 Global X-Ray Systems Market, Revenue ($m), Historic, 2002€2009 11
3.2 Global X-Ray Systems Market, Revenue ($m), Forecast, 2009€2 016 12
3.3 X-Ray Systems Market, Global, Volume (Units), Historic, 2002€2009 13
3.4 X-Ray Systems Market, Global, Volume (Units), Forecast, 2009€2016 14
3.5 Global X-Ray Systems Market, Key Trends 15
3.5.1 Increasing Contribution of Computed Radiography to Drive Growth in Digital X-Ray Systems Market 15
3.5.2 Low Radiation Emitting X-Ray Systems Key to Increased Adoption 15
3.6 X-Ray Systems, Market Drivers 16
3.6.1 Digitalization of Imaging Systems Key to X-Ray Systems Market Growth 16
3.6.2 Increasing Expenditure on Healthcare Infrastructure in Emerging Countries to Drive Demand for Digital X-Ray Systems 16
3.6.3 Financing Provided by Diagnostic Imaging Companies to Increase Adoption 18
3.6.4 Portable and Mobile Digital X-Ray Systems to Drive Demand in the Future 18
3.6.5 Increasing Number of Older Patients to Drive Demand for X-Ray Systems 18
3.7 X-Ray Systems, Market Restraints 19
3.7.1 Ultraso und to Replace X-Ray Systems as Preferred Choice of Diagnostic Imaging 19
3.7.2 The Trend of Employers Shifting Insurance Costs to Workers will affect Diagnostic Imaging Reimbursement 19
3.8 Global X-Ray Systems Market, Company Share (%), 2009 20
4 Global X-Ray Systems Market: Segment Analysis and Forecasts 21
4.1 Digital X-Ray Systems Market, Global, Revenue ($m), Historic, 2002€2009 21
4.2 Digital X-Ray Systems Market, Global, Revenue ($m), Forecast, 2009€2016 22
4.3 Digital X-Ray Systems Market, Global, Volume (Units), Historic, 2002€2009 23
4.4 Digital X-Ray Systems Market, Global, Volume (Units), Forecast, 2009€2016 24
4.5 Analog X-Ray Systems Market, Global, Revenue ($m), Historic, 2002€2009 25
4.6 Analog X-Ray Systems Market, Global, Revenue ($m), Forecast, 2009€2016 26
4.7 Analog X-Ray Systems Market, Global, Volume (Units), 2002€2009 27
4.8 Analog X-Ray Systems Market, Global, Volume (Units), Forecast , 2009€2016 28
5 Global X-Ray Systems Market, Analysis by Country, 2002€2016 29
5.1 X-Ray Systems Market, the US, Revenue ($m), Historic, 2002€2009 29
5.2 X-Ray Systems Market, the US, Revenue ($m), Forecast, 2009€2016 30
5.3 X-Ray Systems Market, the US, Volume (Units), Historic, 2002€2009 31
5.4 X-Ray Systems Market, the US, Volume (Units), Forecast, 2009€2016 32
5.5 X-Ray Systems Market, Canada, Revenue ($m), Historic, 2002€2009 33
5.6 X-Ray Systems Market, Canada, Revenue ($m), Forecast, 2009€2016 34
5.7 X-Ray Systems Market, Canada, Volume (Units), Historic, 2002€2009 35
5.8 X-Ray Systems Market, Canada, Volume (Units), Forecast, 2009€2016 36
5.9 X-Ray Systems Market, the UK, Revenue ($m), Historic, 2002€2009 37
5.10 X-Ray Systems Market, the UK, Revenue ($m), Forecast, 2009€2016 38
5.11 X-Ray Systems Market, the UK, Volume (Units), Historic, 2002€2009 39
5.12 X-Ray Systems Market, the UK, Vol ume (Units), Forecast, 2009€2016 40
5.13 X-Ray Systems Market, Germany, Revenue ($m), Historic, 2002€2009 41
5.14 X-Ray Systems Market, Germany, Revenue ($m), Forecast, 2009€2016 42
5.15 X-Ray Systems Market, Germany, Volume (Units), Historic, 2002€2009 43
5.16 X-Ray Systems Market, Germany, Volume (Units), Forecast, 2009€2016 44
5.17 X-Ray Systems Market, France, Revenue ($m), Historic, 2002€2009 45
5.18 X-Ray Systems Market, France, Revenue ($m), Forecast, 2009€2016 46
5.19 X-Ray Systems Market, France, Volume (Units), Historic, 2002€2009 47
5.20 X-Ray Systems Market, France, Volume (Units), Forecast, 2009€2016 48
5.21 X-Ray Systems Market, Italy, Revenue ($m), Historic, 2002€2009 49
5.22 X-Ray Systems Market, Italy, Revenue ($m), Forecast, 2009€2016 50
5.23 X-Ray Systems Market, Italy, Volume (Units), Historic, 2002€2009 51
5.24 X-Ray Systems Market, Italy, Volume (Units), Forecast, 2009€2016 52
5.25 X-Ray Systems Market, Spain, Revenue ($m), Historic, 2002€2009 53
5.26 X-Ray Systems Market, Spain, Revenue ($m), Forecast, 2009€2016 54
5.27 X-Ray Systems Market, Spain, Volume (Units), Historic, 2002€2009 55
5.28 X-Ray Systems Market, Spain, Volume (Units), Forecast, 2009€2016 56
5.29 X-Ray Systems Market, Japan, Revenue ($m), Historic, 2002€2009 57
5.30 X-Ray Systems Market, Japan, Revenue ($m), Forecast, 2009€2016 58
5.31 X-Ray Systems Market, Japan, Volume (Units), Historic, 2002€2009 59
5.32 X-Ray Systems Market, Japan, Volume (Units), Forecast, 2009€2016 60
5.33 X-Ray Systems Market, China, Revenue ($m), Historic, 2002€2009 61
5.34 X-Ray Systems Market, China, Revenue ($m), Forecast, 2009€2016 62
5.35 X-Ray Systems Market, China, Volume (Units), Historic, 2002€2009 63
5.36 X-Ray Systems Market, China, Volume (Units), Forecast, 2009€2016 64
5.37 X-Ray Systems Market, India, Revenue ($m), Hist oric, 2002€2009 65
5.38 X-Ray Systems Market, India, Revenue ($m), Forecast, 2009€2016 66
5.39 X-Ray Systems Market, India, Volume (Units), Historic, 2002€2009 67
5.40 X-Ray Systems Market, India, Volume (Units), Forecast, 2009€2016 68
5.41 X-Ray Systems Market, Australia, Revenue ($m), Historic, 2002€2009 69
5.42 X-Ray Systems Market, Australia, Revenue ($m), Forecast, 2009€2016 70
5.43 X-Ray Systems Market, Australia, Volume (Units), Historic, 2002€2009 71
5.44 X-Ray Systems Market, Australia, Volume (Units), Forecast, 2009€2016 72
5.45 X-Ray Systems Market, Brazil, Revenue ($m), Historic, 2002€2009 73
5.46 X-Ray Systems Market, Brazil, Revenue ($m), Forecast, 2009€2016 74
5.47 X-Ray Systems Market, Brazil, Volume (Units), Historic, 2002€2009 75
5.48 X-Ray Systems Market, Brazil, Volume (Units), Forecast, 2009€2016 76

For more information, please visit : ports/X-Ray-Systems-Market-to-2016-The-Digital-X-Ray-Systems-Segment-to-be-the-Growth-Driver-91890.html

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San Francisco Giants Jerseys - Wear What the Pro's Wear

Nothing shows die-hard support for your favorite baseball team like wearing an authentic jersey. Upon winning the 2010 World Series, San Francisco Giants jerseys started flying off the racks! San Francisco Giants jerseys are available in many sizes and styles, and there are even jerseys made for women, children, even newborns! The classic orange-and-black uniforms have become very popular, and not solely due to winning the Fall Classic last year, the first time since 1952. Several individuals wearing San Francisco Giants jerseys have become household names.

The pitching ace, Tim Lincecum, is wildly popular amongst fans of all ages, known for his unorthodox pitching style, and his shoulder-length hair. Among the thousands of fans wearing these jerseys, Tim Lincecum has climbed the ladder to become the number one seller.

Another fan-favorite is Pablo Sandoval, who carries the affectionate nickname "Kung-Fu Panda". San Francisco Giants jerseys bearing his name and number are easily spotted at both home and away ball games, proving that his popularity is not just limited to Bay area fans. Typically you will see Sandoval fans wearing his jersey and a funny fur hat that resembles a panda.

The dark horse member of the team, Brian Wilson, became the founding member of the "Fear the Beard" club. Infamous for his long, jet-black beard, fans quickly showed their admiration for the game-closer, donning fake beards and chanting "Fear the Beard!"Another member of the beard club is Sergio Romo. Although his facial hair is not as extreme as Wilson's, both jerseys have become best-sellers.

Other jerseys that are often seen being worn by enthusiastic fans of all ages. Players like Willie Mays, Will "the thrill" Clark, and Barry Bonds are all very popular amongst fans.

Not all San Francisco Giants jerseys are created equal however, and with a myriad of choices available, it can be tough to pick the right one. Authentic jerseys like those worn on the field, will carry the major league baseball insignia, and the letters and numbers will be stitched on to the jersey, not ironed-on or screen-printed.

San Francisco Giants jerseys are available in home and away versions, and there are even special jerseys like the all-orange version, which the team wears on Friday home games, affectionately known as "Orange Friday." With all of the different options available, San Francisco Giants Jerseys are a fantastic way to show support for the 2010 World Champions!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Comcast SportsNet Bay Area To Present '2011 Giants Season Preview' on Monday, March 7

Comcast SportsNet Bay Area will present a preview of the 2011 Major League Baseball season for the 2010 World Champion San Francisco Giants with a half-hour show € '2011 Giants Season Preview' premiering on Monday, March 7 at 9:30 p.m. PT.

2011 Giants Season Preview will air the evening of Comcast SportsNet Bay Area's first Spring Training telecast of the season when the Giants host the Texas Rangers. Game coverage begins at 6:00 p.m. PT from Scottsdale Stadium.

2011 Giants Season Preview

Looking to repeat last year's World Championship run, the 2011 San Francisco Giants are on a mission to become the first team since the 2000 season to repeat as World Series Champions. The Giants were able to retain most of their championship roster with the resigning of first baseman Aubrey Huff and outfielders Pat Burrell and Cody Ross, as well as add infield depth with the acquisition of infielder Miguel Tejada. Led by the league's best one-two punch in two-time National League Cy Young Award winner Tim Lincecum and star pitcher Matt Cain, baseball's most dominant closer in Brian Wilson, a resurgent Pablo Sandoval, and stars Buster Posey and Madison Bumgarner in their first full season on the team, the World Champions look to another adrenaline-filled race to the Fall Classic.

Hosted by Comcast SportsNet's Scott Reiss, along with expert analysis from's MLB Insider Mychael Urban and Giants analyst Rich Aurilia and contributions from Comcast SportsNet's Dave Benz and Jaymee Sire, 2011 Giants Season Preview features an impressive lineup of insider interviews and season predictions with Giants broadcasters Duane Kuiper and 2010 Ford C. Frick Award recipient Jon Miller. 2011 Giants Season Preview will break down a number of topics including the team's chances of repeating as World Series champions, the durability of the Giants' elite pitching staff, Pablo Sandoval's offseason conditioning and the addit ion of Miguel Tejada to the team. The show also presents an all-access behind-the-scenes look at the Giants from their Spring Training home in Scottsdale, Arizona, as they prepare to defend their World Championship.

Following its March 7 (9:30 p.m.) debut, 2011 Giants Season Preview replays on Comcast SportsNet Bay Area on

Tuesday, March 8 at 3:00 p.m.
Saturday, March 12 at 4:00 p.m., and
Wednesday, March 23 at 10:00 p.m.

Excellent Chinese Oil Painting Artist Yan Peiming Art Appreciation – The Funeral Of Mona Lisa

Yan Peiming Portrait Oil Painting Work € The Funeral of Mona Lisa

Painting Title: The Funeral of Mona Lisa

Artist: Yan Peiming

Painting size: 300*300cm

Media: Fabric, Oil painting

Creation Time: 2001

Most of Yan Peiming's oil painting works are huge black and white portrait paintings, you will been shocked and have fear at first sight. These characters faces were been painted out wildly and haphazardly, as if they are mummies, as if they are rubber or leather masks which had been stretched out and distorted in S & M games, they were seemed strange and weird, paradoxical, dark, angry, terrible, full of strength as well as sadly.

Yan Pei Ming is specializes in the creation of huge size oil paintings, he like to create two-color paintings, most of his oil painting works are portraits. His oil painting works have participated in the Venice Biennale and other important international art exhibition.

In the evening of February 11, 2009, Yan Peiming held an art exhibition themed "Mona Lisa's Funeral" in Louvre, France. In this exhibition, Yan Peiming with gray tone, with projection-like manner, celebrated a funeral for Mona Lisa. He extended the mystical background Mona Lisa lived in, dotted with numerous skull heads. On both sides of the Mona Lisa there is the self-portrait of Yan Peiming, the side face to face is his withered aging father, who is witnessing the death of his son.

Chinese artist Yan Peiming is the first modern artist who is still alive and can held an individual art exhibition in Louvre.

About Artist Yan Peiming:

Mr.Yan Peiming, who was born in Shanghai in 1960; In 1980 moved to Dijon, France;

1981-1986: studied at the National Academy of Fine Arts in Dijon, France;
1988-1989: Studied at the Paris Advanced Institute of Plastic Arts in Paris, France;
1993-1994: Studied at France College in Rome, Italy;
1995-now: Act as a professor at the National Academy of Fine Arts in Dijon, France.


1988: Studio 88 (Paris Modern Art Museum)
1991: Sports 2 (Pompidou Art Centre)
1993: China Avant-Garde Art (Berlin, Rotterdam, Oxford etc.)
1995: Venice Biennial
1997: Lyons Biennial
2000: Kwangju Biennial (Korea)
2000: Shanghai Biennial (China)
2002: Pusan Biennial (Korea)
2009: Mona Lisa's Funeral (Louvre, France)

In 2009, Yan Peiming held his individual art shows in China, France and U.S.A. respectively.

During June 19 to October 11, 2009, Yan Pei Ming launched his individual art exhibition themed with "Landscape in Childhood" in Lawrence Contemporary Art Centre in Beijing, with 34 paintings of huge size children portraits, he explained his understanding on poverty, hunger, inequality and war.

ps: This article was published on:

What will happen in 2011? Astrology Predictions for 2011. Astrology predictions for 2011

In 2011, we will continue to witness the climax cardinal ongoing, with the progress of uranus Into the earlies degrees of aries. In 2011, we will be witnessing the culmination cardinal in progress, with the advance of uranus in aries previous grades. This means we will continue to see the different ongoing crises: social, economic, political, military, climatic, and likely more new crises and events happening suddenly (as suddently as the chilean earthquake, Icelandic volcano, the shelling or the korean revelations this wikileaks year) this means that we will see the various ongoing crisis: the social, economic crises, political, military, climatic, and probably more new events that occur suddenly (as suddenly as the earthquake in chile, volcano Iceland, Korean, or the bombing of the revelations of the wikileaks year) .

In January and february, as mars transiting capricorn, aquarius and pisces (as in early 2009 and early 2007) will see the global matters as important as never before. In January and february, as transiting mars capricorn, aquarius and pisces (as in early 2009 and early 2007) will see global issues as important as ever. deep worries with the economic situation, and also with the korean crises. deep concern with the economic situation, and also with the korean crisis. until January 20th, there is a high likelihood of economic troubles, scandals and wars, the korean situation will continue near boiling (tendon to start wars with mars in capricorn). Until 20 January, there is a high probability of economic problems, scandals and war, the situation of korea will continue near boiling (wars tend to start with mars in capricorn). What will happen very likely, will be A VERY COLD WINTER in Europe, north america and china. What will most likely be very cold winter in europe, north america and china.

In march, we find the start of more aggressive energies. In march, we start with the most aggressive energy. If You hcardinal planets or angles in degrees, watch out for the next two periods: march 10: mercury conjuncts uranus in aries. march 18-21: mercury conjuncts Jupiter in 12 aries, and saturn oppose in 15 libra (degree of many national charts), full moon in spring equinox. If you have planets or angles in degrees of the compass, watch for the next two periods: march 10: mercury conjunct uranus in aries:. march 18 to 11 mercury conjunct jupiter at 12 aries, and opposes saturn at 15 libra (national level for many graphics), full moon on the spring equinox. At least, we will see some disruptions for large groups of people, This could be flights disruptions for example (as we now observed with snowstorms, and last april with the Icelandic volcano). At least, we will see some breaks for large groups of people, this could be interruptions such flight (as seen now with snowstorms, and in april with the Icelandic volcano). This is the likely new wikileaks newspaper for fears causing revelations in the stock markets. This is the likely period of new revelations wikileaks raising fears in the stock market.

April seems the same mood, dynamic, eventful, aggressive. April seems to be the same mood, dynamic, eventful aggressive. Could this feature the MOST likely start of a major conflict in the koreas or Iran. This could present the most likely start a major conflict in the two koreas and Iran. Internal unrest will at least OCCUR sometimes in western nations, more than during the former months. internal unrest will occur at least sometimes in western countries, more than in previous months. In march and april, different alignments as the jupiter-saturn aspect opposition at mid aries, this will hit in the charts of heavily several important nations, such as the U.S., Germany, UK, China, could this mean a larger CRISES in march or APRIL. In march and april, as different alignments aspect Jupiter-saturn opposition in mid-aries, this amount to much in the charts of several major countries including USA, Germany, United Kingdom, China, this could mean a major crisis in march or apri l. Could be wikileaks, serious war or economic weitere trouble. wikileaks may be, war or severe economic problems. Heavy diplomacy will Be called for (as implied by saturn in libra) critical periods of high energy are: april 2-4: mars conjuncts uranus in aries new moon at 15 aries (critical degree), 18-22 april: mars and mercury oppose conjunct Jupiter and saturn. heavy diplomacy was asked (as judged by Saturn in Libra) the critical periods of high energy are: April 2-4: mars conjunct uranus in aries new moon at 15 aries (critical level), 18 - april 22: mars and mercury conjunct jupiter and saturn oppose. In summary, the first highly charged period of 2011 will be between mid march and end of april! In summary, the first period of 2011 will be very busy from mid-march and late april!

May sun and mars with just coming out from aries and entering taurus, a very charged probably means beginning of the month but then, hopefully, winding down to more down-to-earth and stable moods. Sun and mars in May to just out of aries and into taurus, probably means a very charged earlier this month, but then, hopefully, ending with the feet on the ground and more stable moods. Another trend this year will be great scientific and technological advances and discoveries. Another trend this year is great scientific and technological advances and discoveries. I am still expecting for something big. I'm still waiting for something big.

The summer will be not child's play. The summer will be a cinch. It will Be a highly-charged summer, in the likes of the 1968-1969, 1989-1990. It will be a very busy summer on the likes of the 1968-1969, 1989-1990. Seems what is likely to expect social unrest, general strikes, riots, attacks and some violence and prosthesis in cities. What seems likely to expect social unrest, general strikes, riots, bombings and some violence and protests in the cities. After the solstice, with mars entering gemini might we see the early stages of a revolutionary or at least riots / protest wave, This will be a sign of what is to come by 2020s. After the solstice, with mars entering gemini, we could see the first stages of a revolutionary or at least waves riots / protests, this will be a sign of things to come by early 2020. Something like these last 3 months (student prosthesis in Rome, London, Athens, France). Something like the last 3 months (the student protests in Rome, London, Athe ns, France). JULY might be well the PROTEST / RIOT month. July could be so PROTEST / month RIOT.

Remember that as the summer comes, uranus and pluto begin forming the first square! remember that as summer arrives, uranus and pluto start forming the first place! Russia strongly hits on this chart (could there be unrest there?) also chart hits Iran. This letter strikes hard against Russia (which might be riots no?) also chart hits Iran. I am all for peace, but with uranus in aries, and Its aspects intense, this is a recipe for exploding TENSIONS. I'm for peace, but with uranus in aries, and intense aspects, this is a recipe for an explosion of tensions. Critical dates to watch out, if You have planets or angles in cardinal signs will be: June 17-21: summer solstice, uranus squares mercury, and mars enters gemini. August 3-11: mars enters cancer and triggers the uranus / pluto square. August 25: mars square saturn, sun opposite neptune. critical dates to keep in mind, if you have planets or angles in the cardinal signs will be: June 17-21: summer solstice, uranus squares mercury and mars enters gemini:. august 3 a 11 tuesday enters cancer and triggers the uranus / Pluto square. August 25: mars square saturn, the Sun opposite neptune. Likely a second climax of unrest and events will be by late July and early August! probably one second climax of the riots and will be in late July and early august! wout for more sudden events. Beware of sudden events. Weather-wise, the summer will be quite extreme, pero hot and hurricane-active. Weather-wise, the summer is going to be very extreme, but warm and hurricane activity. The rest of the the Year will Be covered in a late article, but will be other critical periods 24-26 september: autumn equinox, mercury oppose uranus, and 24 december: new moon conjuncts pluto, uranus and squares. The rest of the year, will be covered in a later article, but other critical periods are 14 to 16 September: autumnal equinox, mercury opposes uranus, and December 24: new moon conjunct pluto, uranus and squares . and plea se remember, These are very tentative predictions (for the world). And remember, this is very tentative predictions (for the world). If You Have planets in cardinal degrees, you might do well to pay attention to the dates mark in bold (also listed below), as they will be the most eventful and energetic. If you have planets in degrees cardinal, who would do well to pay attention to the dates marked in bold (also listed below), it will be the most memorable and full of energy.

Overall, the year highlights might be well to major crises DURING spring / summer, I Could guess wikileaks, bank-related, or a major war, a major scientific advance, and increasingly violent prosthesis against the powers that be. In general, the year stands could also be a major crisis in the spring / summer, I could tell wikileaks, banking relationships, or a great war, a major scientific advance, and increasingly violent protests against the establishment.

Monday, August 8, 2011

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Elise (Angelina Jolie) randomly sits next to an American tourist, Frank (Johnny Depp), on a train going to Venice. The police have been following Elise for two years waiting for her to contact her lover who embezzled over $2 Billion. Not only will they need to evade the police, but also the mobster whose money he stole.

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The movie begins by following a mysterious woman named Elise (Jolie) who is walking around Paris while being trailed by a number of men who work for Scotland Yard. She sits down at a cafe and receives a letter from Alexander Pearce, a former lover of hers, with explicit directions to board a train to Venice, Italy and pick out a man who resembles him and make the police believe that that man is Alexander Pearce. A mysterious man, not involved with the police, seems to be watching Elise. Elise burns the letter, follows her directions and boards a train, cleverly avoiding the pol ice.

As she walks down the train she sees Frank (Depp), an American tourist, Elise sits down and talks about spy novels. Frank is instantly attracted to Elise and is curious about her. The train arrives, and the two of them take a boat to Elise's hotel. The two have dinner and much to Frank's dismay, Elise admits of having feelings for another man, presumably Alexander Pierce. They drink and kiss.

The next day, Frank awakens to find Elise gone. Then suddenly, men try to break into the hotel room, Frank barely escapes and is caught by the police. Frank does not know why these men are after him, and the Italian police don't believe Frank's story until one officer does and takes Frank out of the jail only to bring him to the clutches of the men who invaded Elise's hotel room. Elise appears suddenly and rescues Frank, and the two leave on a boat. Elise finally tells Frank that all this is happening because she kissed him and made the police believe that he was Alexander Pierce. Frank learns that Pearce stole 2 billion from a gangster (Steven Berkoff) and is wanted by the British Government for tax evasion. Stunned by the news, Frank confesses that he still does not regret kissing Elise.

Elise apologizes for getting him involved at all and tricks Frank off the boat. As Elise leaves, Frank says that he loves her. Elise drives the boat into what looks like a government building. She turns out to be a secret agent for Britain. Elise sees fellow British agent Acheson (Bettany), who was following her in Paris. Elise was supposed to find out information about Pearce but fell in love with him and had disappeared from her job until now. She tells Acheson that she is ready to help them find Pearce. Elise goes to a ball to meet with Pearce, wearing a wire. Elise is handed a letter by the same mysterious man from Paris. The letter is from Pearce saying to meet him. The man leaves; it is to be assumed that the man is Pearce. As Elise turns to leave, Frank is standing in front of her. He asks her to dance and tells her that he does not regret their meeting. Elise leaves to find Pearce and agent Acheson grabs Frank. They both watch Elise go into a room to find Pierce. Unfortunately, Elise walks into a trap set by the gangster Shaw who was cheated out of billions by Pearce. The gangster threatens to kill her unless the money is returned. Agent Acheson doesn't help Elise, thinking that Pearce will rescue her and then Pearce can be taken to jail.

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Explore Exquisite Churches on Your Goa Holiday Packages

A land where the tropical breeze is filled with gaiety and leisure, Goa is where nights bring pulsating rhythms of disco lights in the neon-lit chambers of nightclubs and where beach side parties are more common than traffic-clogged streets. However, the city grabs your attention in the most unexpected ways as it gives a sacred start to its mornings when the euphoric chimes of the church bells wake you up. Add a visit to exquisite colonial age churches of the region to your Goa holiday packages and witness interesting contrasts. It is a great opportunity to walk past ancient streets of Christianity and explore beach fringed egalitarian white churches amid lush paddy or cobbled streets of the city. Your holiday packages of Goa that introduces you to an era of Portuguese rule when Goa was a strong religious center and when explosion of architectural activity lead to formation of beauteous cathedrals.

A visit to Old Goa will introduce you to some of the well preserved archaic flavor of Christianity at the churches present there; out of which the famous ones are:

Basillica of Bom Jesus: All Goa holiday packages include a visit to this church which is the most august and famous of all churches in Old Goa for it contains relics of St. Francis Xavier, Patron Saint of Goa and Apostle of the Indies. The exteriors of the three storied church is a fine fusion of Doric, Composite and Corinthian styles of architecture and is built of black laterite stone. A cenotaph of gilded bronze dedicated to Dom Jeronimos Mascarenhas, Captain of Cochin and the benefactor of the church is situated on the norther wall of the church.

Chapel of St. Francis Xavier: Another prominent tourist attraction of holiday packages to Goa is Chapel of St. Francis Xavier which is dedicated to the famous saint St. Francis Xavier. Situated on the banks of River Mandovi the church is believed to be built by St. Francis Xavier and is perfectly styled in Doric architecture. The church is considered miraculous by its believers and is a source of abundance of handwritten scripts related to the famous saint.

Church of Our Lady of Rosary: One of the oldest churches in Goa, this church was built in 16th century and thus holds behind a strong historic significance. The church is located on the spot where Alphonso de Albuquerque witnessed the conquest of Goa in 1510; it beautifully displays a fusion of renaissance and Gothic architectural styles.

Whenever on your Goa holiday packages you want to head for a spiritual experience head towards these ancient cathedrals for a divine ambiance. Some other famous churches worth a visit are Chapel of St. Catherine, Church and Convent of St. Monica, Church of the Carmelites and more. Other than the laid-back beaches and comforts of lavish beach resorts these churches are great rejuvenating destinations with spiritual ambiance.

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Sunday, August 7, 2011

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La liste de noms est une des pierres angulaires dans le domaine du marketing relationnel. L'laboration de la liste de noms doit tre rigoureusement tablie et tenue jour.

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Voici quelques points essentiels considrer:

Soignez votre communication crite
Dans la section informations gnrales € propos de vous privilgiez les paragraphes plutt qu'un bloc, prtez une attention particulire l'orthographe, la grammaire, la ponctuation et la syntaxe. Dites-nous qui vous tes !
Il est primordial que vous vous prsentiez adquatement. Partagez vos valeurs, votre faon de voir la vie, vos expriences, vos ralisations, vos objectifs, etc€ Ces lments contribueront construire de nouvelles relations sur le long terme. Il se peut que certaines personnes se reconnaissent au travers de vos informations, ce qui favorisera vos futurs changes. Soyez cohrent !
De plus en plus de groupes et de pages Fan font leurs apparitions sur Facebook. Nous sommes souvent sollicits y prendre part. Veillez ne joindre que les groupes ou les pages qui sont en accord avec vos principes et vos valeurs.

Rappelez-vous que votre objectif n'est pas de vendre votre opportunit mais d'tablir de nouvelles relations fondes sur l'coute, l'change et la confiance. Il est important de faire la distinction car l'approche est diffrente. Considrez autrui comme vous aimeriez que celui-ci vous considre, soyez vrais !

Lire la suite (2e partie)

Le Cv Web, Un Moyen D'attirer L'attention Des Recruteurs

En cette priode de fort chmage, o la demande d'emploi est nettement suprieure l'offre, le chercheur d'emploi a tout intrt se dmarquer de ses concurrents s'il veut multiplier ses chances d'tre choisi pour le poste qu'il convoite.

L'une des mthodes pour attirer la curiosit des recruteurs est de crer son CV web, c'est--dire son propre site web oul'on y prsente son CV. En envoyant le lien de son CV Web au recruteur, le postulant montre sa capacit prendre des initiatives, sa motivation, voire sa crativit. Ce sont videmment des bons points qui peuvent faire la diffrence aux yeux des recruteurs.

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- Pour un CV clair et structur, chaque partie de votre CV pourrait correspondre un onglet de votre site. Ainsi, vous auriez un ongletFormation, un onglet Exprience professionnelle etc.

- Soignez votre page d'accueil. Elle sert d'introduction. Vous devez vous y prsenter et expliquez ce que vous recherchez. C'est la premire page que le recruteur verra. Elle doit tre claire et attractive. Le but est que le recruteur veuille en savoir plus sur vous et qu'il navigue sur les autres pages de votre site.

- Cherchez garder le site simple et clair malgr la srie de possibilits qui s'offrent vous. Ne crez pas plus de 7 onglets pour votre site. Laissez de ct les expriences ou dtails qui n'ont pas d'importance pour le poste recherch.

- Une fois termin, relisez votre CV Web et montrez-le des personnes de votre entourage. Il n'est jamais inutile de demander l'avis de personnes extrieures. Certaines fautes de grammaire, d'orthographe ou de got! auraient pu vous chapper. Le recruteur pourrait ne pas vous le pardonner.

- Enfin, n'oubliez pas de mettre jour votre CV au rythme de vos nouvelles expriences.

A vous de jouer maintenant sur l'un des nombreux sites qui vous proposent de crer des CV Web . Bonne chance!

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Saturday, August 6, 2011

Places to go during Advent and Christmas -- recommendations by Peter Menkin

Introduction to Advent & Christmas events

The Christmas season has an ethos of joy and celebration, an ethos of well-being in its statement of goodwill to men, and peace on earth. What an odd celebration, and so popular in California and the United States, throughout the Western World, too, of course. Who does not know this? Everyone likes the winter festival Christmas in some sense or another. It is about love, after all, and so the Christian believes. The music celebrates this love of mankind by the great God of history through the birth of his son Jesus Christ.

Writing in her recent book, Camaldoli Benedictine Oblate Paula Huston says of the kind of love Christmas and its ethos of spirit offers: €Jesus puts it very simply; And though not specifically about Christmas, per se, the words speak to the spirit. They will know we are Christians by our love. C.S. Lewis insists that we are almost never converted through log ic but instead €infected by a love that moves us so powerfully we can€t help but succumb. A modern spiritual writer, Donald Nichols, reiterates the central importance of love to evangelization when he refers to the €theology of faces,€ or the look of love that says everything about the faith behind it. Our society, however, is characterized instead by its hyperindividualism and its intense need for €personal space€ and privacy. We feel that we are doing well simply by avoiding conflict. The notion of actually loving one another sounds either idealistic or uncomfortably communal. We much prefer our separateness, even as Christians€hence our many sects and denominations. Though her book is titled, "forgiveness: following Jesus into radical loving," Paraclete Press, the theme of the book is an indirect remark on God€s willingness to offer man a New Testament, a new covenant of which a part is the old-new idea of forgiveness. This is a season when we can forgive one another, wh en the heart warms, when the brightness is brought into the darkness of winter.

These various events around the area give testimony and celebration, entertainment and festivity and even fun to the season of charity and good will to all. Come enjoy this wonderful season, this Holiday, this gift of the winter celebration in various places: mostly through music and some through dance.The Jewish year, too, in its winter, hasthe celebration of Hanukkah. Note the YouTube video below of Pacific BoyChoir€s singing a Hanukkah song in this article. Nonetheless, for the record, one noted member of Jewish Reform Temple El-Emanuel€s staff recommends a comedy event whichKung Paospokeswoman says of the comedy Kung Pao event in describing it, €That's what my event is all about. Escaping Christmas, enjoying comedy, a sense of belonging at a time that is alienating for many...€ Please find these paragraph€s of text recommending places to go worthwhile and helpful in the season this year, Christmas 2009.

San Francisco Theological Seminary

In a Press Notice, this writer learned of an excellent place for musical celebration, San Francisco Theological Seminary€s (SFTS) 35th annual Lessons & Carols service Friday, Dec. 4, and Saturday Dec. 5, at 7 p.m. inStewart Memorial Chapel on the San Anselmo campus. The candlelight service observes Advent's time of preparation and the coming of the Christ Child. It is not only a longstanding tradition among SFTS faculty, staff and students. The Notice continues: This year€s theme comes from Luke 1:30-31: The angel said, €Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. And now you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you will name Him Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High €€ Admission is free, but there will be a freewill offering. Everyone is welcome, but seating is limited, so SFTS encourages those planning to attend to arrive early. Shuttle van service will be available.

Doctor Daniel Hoggatt, Musical Director of the program, speaks to this year€s event: €This Lessons &Carols used to be more a seminary community event, but in the last 13 years it has been more the Seminary€s gift to the community. €There are 8 lessons and accompanied Carols by the congregation and choir. €There is also the wonderful Dobbins Memorial Pipe Organ (Balcom Vaughan) that is in Stewart Chapel. Stewart Chapel is usually used for services four times a week. I am very, very fortunate here to be the musician at SFTS because we have two beautiful chapels." Doctor Hoggatt explains: It is a service that people come to whether Christian or not because it is a wonderful way to kick off the Christmas season with a warm evening. I have Jewish friends, Buddhist friends, and it is a wonderful, magical evening for all. It is a choi r of 30 voices that come from the seminary community, and the community at large in southern Marin County. We do a variety of Carols from over 2,000 year history. Doctor. Daniel Hoggatt made the choices.

Nutcracker at San Francisco Ballet

Nutcracker comes alive one hour prior to curtain as costumed characters greet and have their pictures taken with children and families. Plus, the first 500 children to arrive receive a special gift! At intermission, everyone will be treated to juice and cookies. So says San Francisco Ballet website. The Ballet touts: A wonderful Christmas event, Create Magical Memories This holiday season, you and your loved ones deservesomething special € a wondrous experience that evokesjoy & elevates your spirit to new heights.Whether continuing a valued tradition or discovering the magic of this beloved holiday classic for the first time€San Francisco Ballet€s Nutcracker is sure to leave you witha sense of warmth and treasured memories that will lasta lifetime.

Nutcracker Story ACT 1 In his shop on a foggy Christmas Eve, a toy maker, Drosselmeyer, puts the finishing touches on a magical nutcracker, a gift for his relatives, the Stahlbaum family, whose home he will visit that evening. Customers drop by, searching for last-minute Christmas gifts. Outside the Stahlbaum house, as people hurry home to their Christmas revelries, Drosselmeyer arrives with his beautifully wrapped gift. In the sitting room of the Stahlbaum house, a tree trimming is under way. Clara and Fritz, followed by their friends, arrive downstairs to see the tree lighted, for the very first time in their lives, by electric lights! The children dance with glee. Soon it is time to open gifts. As the children settle down to play with their presents, Dr. Stahlbaum invites his guests to dance. Clara joins the adults. Drosselmeyer€"Uncle Drosselmeyer" to the Stahlbaums€arrives and entertains the families with magic. While Clara remains captivated by the dolls, Fritz makes a pest of himself. Uncle Drosselmeyer opens his specially wrapped gift for the family and presents to them the magical nutcracker doll. Clara, delighted, dances with the nutcracker. Fritz looks on with envy, then grabs the nutcracker, which falls and breaks. Uncle Drosselmeyer bandages the doll and returns it to Clara, who plays with it quietly. As a close to the evening's festivities, the revered Stahlbaum Grandparents begin their annual holiday dance. All join in. The hour is late, and the guests begin their goodbyes. Fritz and Clara go upstairs to their bedrooms, and the house quiets down. Soon, Clara descends the steps, searching for her nutcracker doll. As the clock strikes 12, she settles on the sofa and falls asleep with the doll in her arms. As Clara dreams, her mind whirls with the memories of the evening. Deep within her dream, Uncle Drosselmeyer appears and mends the nutcracker doll. Clara wakens into her dream, and her house begins to change around her. The Christmas tree grows large and wondrous. Then mice appear, frightening Clara. But magically, her nutcracker doll fends off the mice. The Nutcracker summons the toy soldiers from the cupboard, and a battle ensues. The fierce Mouse King arrives and engages in a duel with the Nutcracker. Clara bravely aids the Nutcracker, who, though victorious, is overcome by exhaustion from the battle. Clara is worried, but Uncle Drosselmeyer consoles her, then transforms the Nutcracker into a dashing Prince. Clara and the Prince embark together on a magical journey through the Land of Snow. The Snow King and Snow Queen arrive and welcome Clara and the Prince. As snow continues to fall, snowflakes begin to dance. The King and Queen invite Clara and the Prince into the sleigh and send them off to th eir next adventure. ACT 2 The scene opens in the garden of a Crystal Palace where ladybugs, dragonflies, and butterflies dance. The Sugar Plum Fairy welcomes Clara and the Prince and asks them to tell her about their adventure that brought them to her world. The Prince recounts his tale of war with the Mouse King and describes Clara's bravery. The Sugar Plum Fairy commands a festival, filled with dancing, to honor her guests. The celebration begins with Spanish flair. Exotic Arabians, whirling dancers from China, and lovely French Mirlitons perform for the guests. Sharing in the festivities are Russian entertainers and the famous Madame Du Cirque, who reveals many small surprises, including a dancing bear! In the final celebratory dance, the Sugar Plum Fairy joins in a glorious waltz with her court of flowers, dazzling Clara and the Prince. As the festivities draw to a close, the Sugar Plum Fairy and Uncle Drosselmeyer grant Clara her greatest Christmas wish and transform her into a beautiful woman to dance in the arms of her Prince. It is Christmas morning. Clara awakens, the nutcracker safe in her arms. SF Ballet (Courtesy of San Francisco Ballet).

Calvary Presbyterian Church, San Francisco Bach Choir

The San Francisco Bach Choir website offers this welcome: Welcome the season with our traditional blend of charming carols and majestic works from early German masters Michael Praetorius and Heinrich Schtz. Multiple choirs will surround you with glorious music€both ancient and familiar€and brighten the winter darkness with candlelight, processions and joyful singing. Invite your friends and order early! with Erica Schuller, soprano Saturday, December 5, 8PM / Sunday, December 6, 4PM
Calvery Presbyterian Church, Fillmore & Jackson, SF

Sharon Gustavson of the San Francisco Bach Choir, calls this an evening of "majestic music." She sta tes the defining element of the choir's work this way,and inso doing emphasizes howspecific this evening is to the kind of music San Francisco Bach Choir performs: "This is our niche work." She adds, "This is one of our traditional concerts."

Grace Cathedral Christmas

Grace Cathedralannounces on their website: €Bring the whole family for a merry sing-along at Grace Cathedral! Join the festive Pacific Boychoir in singing your favorite carols of the holiday season. There will also be a special surprise guest in red velvet!€ Spokeswoman for Grace Cathedral tells, Pacific Boychoirplayed at last year€s Family sing-along. So the ensemble is back after 2008, and the Spokeswoman adds, €The event sold out in 2008, so we added a second show in 2009, on Dec. 12 and Dec. 19. I did not take an audience poll, so can€t say for sure whether the choir made it a hit or what the favorite song was. I suspect it was the format of the event that made it success ful € it is one-hour in length; it features songs that everyone knows at least the first verse to (& printed lyrics are provided for all songs & verses); and it starts at the family-friendly time of 11 a.m. (before kids€ afternoon naps).€

This quote on the Boychoir: Based in Oakland, the Pacific Boychoir participates in a very old tradition, as boychoirs have been around for hundreds of years, dating back at least to the fourth century. The chorus was formed in 1998 with 6 boys, and it now includes more than 100 singers from ages 7 to 17. The Pacific Boychoir's reputation for excellence has earned performances with the San Francisco Symphony, the San Francisco Opera, the Moscow Chamber Orchestra, the UC Berkeley and Davis Symphonies, American Bach Soloists, and many others.

Dates and Times
Saturday, December 12, 11:00 am
Saturday, December 19, 11:00 am

St. Mark€s Episcopal Church, Berkeley, Ca lifornia Bach Society

Be sure to arrive early to get a good seat, so it is recommended by one Church member of St. Mark€s Episcopal Church, Berkeley, who has attended the California Bach Society event. This year€s event will take place at the Church on December 6, 2009 at 4 p.m, located at 2300 Bancroft Way (at Ellsworth), Berkeley. (Doors open 30 minutes prior to each performance.) Wieneke Gorter Spokeswoman for the Society reports, €St. Mark's is a pretty church with absolutely wonderful acoustics. We love performing in there. Our concerts at this church attract music lovers of every age and background, but especially people who are interested in choral music and/or early music.€ . The Bach Society website says of the program: The California Bach Society welcomes the holidays with a program from 17th century Northern Germany.Performed in the order prescribed for Advent Vespers, the 30-voice chamber choir will present a richly varied pr ogram of intricate polyphony, hymns, and splendid double choruses. Artistic Director Paul Flight explains: €The beauty of this program lies in the contrast between the simple and the complex. On the one hand, we will sing a number of well-known Lutheran hymns.By contrast, the majority of the pieces we will perform are elaborately worked out renditions of these hymn tunes. One can only marvel at the skills of the North German composers, Schtz, Schein, Scheidt, and Praetorius, as they develop every musical possibility inherent in the tune." A Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols Also coming up at St. Mark€s, Berkeley is a Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols, Sunday, December 20, 2009, 4:30 p.m. This service was originally instituted at Truro Cathedral in Cornwall, England, based on a medieval vigil service. It was modified in the early twentieth century by the Very Rev. E.M. Millner-White, dean of King's College Chapel, Cambridge, England. Since then, it has been sung annually in King's College Chapel on Christmas Eve, and here at St. Mark's since 1942. The service opens with the traditional carol €Once in royal David's city,€ a bidding prayer, and the Lord's Prayer. The story continues with the promise to Abraham, the assurance of the prophet Isaiah, the calling of Mary, the birth of Jesus, and ends with St. John's unfolding of the great mystery of the Incarnation. Carols, familiar and unfamiliar, are sung throughout the service. The service is held in candlelight and a festive reception follows in Hodgkin Hall. Kosher Comedy at Christmas in San Francisco The official press release says of Kung Pao Christmas event, and here it is in part: Come celebrate Christmas the Jewish Way€in a Chinese restaurant with Jewish comedy. Now celebrating its 17th year, Kung Pao Kosher Comedy continues to provide an answer to the age-old question, €What are Jews supposed to do on Christmas?€ What started o ut as a joke by San Francisco-based Jewish stand-up comic, Lisa Geduldig, has become an institution in San Franciscoannually giving 3000 comedy aficionados and those escaping €Christmas-mania€ an alternative to Jingle Bells. It€s the Bar Mitzvah you never had€and you don€t have to be Jewish to enjoy it. Kung Pao Kosher Comedy was created in 1993 by accident by comedian Lisa Geduldig, who went to perform outside Northampton, Massachusetts at what she thought was going to be a comedy club. She arrived only to discover that The Peking Garden Club was actually a Chinese Restaurant, not a comedy club. Her ironic experience of telling Jewish jokes at a Chinese restaurant led to the idea behind and creation of Kung Pao. The event began as a community service for Jews who have been stuck on Christmas with nothing to do but hide under the covers or go to a Chinese restaurant. The audience has expanded to include Chinese-Jewish couples, interfaith ones, singles, fam ilies, gays, straights, those far from home, and generally those who not only are seeking an alternative to Christmas alienation but who also like comedy mixed with Chinese food. One of Kung Pao€s claims to fame is that Henny Youngman performed his last shows there, in 1997. Celebrate Christmas with Chinese food and Jewish comedy. So the website of Kung Pao Kosher Comedy offers. The dates for performance are December 24 through the 27, 2009.

Two of the comedians commented for this writer via email: Brian Malow was asked:

Why are you doing this at Christmas time?

Well, I'm not a Christian nor have I ever been so you won't find me celebrating Christmas in any sort of traditional manner (for example, frantic last-minute guilt-inspired shopping sprees). I am Jewish. What's a Jew to do on Christmas? If there's not a new Woody Allen movie playing in theaters, what better or more appropriate way to celebrate the s eason than with copious amounts of Chinese food and Jewish comedy? Plus, I've never worked with Jonathan Katz so I'm really looking forward to it!

Hilary Schwartz was asked: Why are you doing this at Christmas time?

I'm doing this at Christmas time because my Christian friends asked me to
make other plans. Anyhow, who else but a Jew would work on Christmas?

Images: (1) Outside Calvary Presbyterian Church Photos of Calvary courtesy of Calvary Presbyterian Church; (2) Official poster San Francisco Theological Seminary Lessons & Carols. Picture courtesy San Francisco Theological Seminary. (3) Doctor. Daniel Hoggatt. (4) Group dancersVanessa Zahorian in Tomasson's Nutcracker. Erik Tomasson. (5) Mouse San Francisco Ballet in Tomasson's Nutcracker. Erik Tomasson. (6) Sanctuary Calvary Presbyterian Church, San Francisco. (7) Paul Flight, Courtesy California Bach Society. (8) St. Mark's Episcopal Church Choir. (9)Lis a Geduldig of Kung Pao Kosher Comedy,Kent Taylor Photography (10) Comedian Brian Malow. (11) Comedian Hilary Schwartz.